We will live through much.

"Rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor- such is my idea of happiness."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

working on it.

Here I am.
Pale faced, sweating
Glinting in the sun.
Naked, nude, bare
Stripped of it all.

My mind
My memory
My Movement
released upon you.
Upon the world.


Lie down, sit down,
Fall down
That is you
That is the world

Not I, no not I.
I stand.
With white arm wide open
Earth between my toes.

This is the first poem I've written in about 2 years. When I figured out that everything I was writting was crap I just stopped.
I hope this isn't crap. I'll probably add more to it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

my feet are coooold

I have so much stupid stuff coming up.

AP test on Wednesday. I have to sign up for the AC Ts tonight. My forensic research paper is due Monday. I need to take pictures for digital photography.

June 5th couldn't come fast enough. I'm so ready to get out of this place.

But then I have to try to get a job. I'm really hoping for the Y to hire me. I don't want a job at all, but I guess having my own money will be nice.

Last summer I filled out an application for smiths and I cried the whole time. :]

I think actually having a job will be good for me though. Even if it is not being a life guard at the Clendenin swimming pool.

This week has been absolutely pointless. We didn't have school monday. I went in late and got signed out early on Tuesday. I can't even remember Wednesday. Yesterday was an early out. Now today, two of my teachers aren't even here.

I really hate this damn school.

Also, I am wearing a very pretty dress today. :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Today is the day of the earth.

I plan on planting an apple tree this evening, if dad gets me one.
But there's a chance I wont get to because he kept saying how he doesn't know where we could plant one.

Prom was Saturday. very boring, but alright. I enjoyed getting dressed up. I did not enjoy, though, the huge blister my shoes gave me. I had to walk on the side of my foot all night.

I didn't make it into the Honors Society... as for as I know. So I'm not going to go to the induction, rather, I'll be staying home.... hopefully.

I've been reading Harry Potter instead of Lord Of The Rings. I'm nearly to the end of the 3rd book. I am trying to finish through the 6th by July, when it comes out in theaters.

While on Flickr yesterday I found this girl who took pictures of her breakfasts and lunches. It was all so healthy. Needless to say, I'm am now on a health kick. Starting today I'm eating fruits and oatmeal for breakfast, and probably my usual for the lunch.. which I'm starting to think isn't really healthy eventhough it's only about 200 calories all together. Tonight I'm having fish for dinner, I can't wait. I love it when we have fish for dinner.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Saturday was the last show choir competition of this year.
Whitney and I left early and now Silber is pissed.

I'm so fucking done with show choir and the parents who start so much drama.
Your 50 years old, we are 17 and more mature.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The battle of evermore.

Today started my spring break. I woke up at about 8 and got out of bed at 8:30. I had planned on sleeping in but I took cough medicine the night before and went to bed at 7:30.
I slept plenty.

I had talked a lot about Lord of The Rings all weekend, So I was in the mood for 2 hours of awesome.
I watched Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Rings. Then while I cleaned up my room I watched The second disc, special features.
In all I watched about 5 hours of Lord of the Rings. It was amazing. I think I had almost forgot how much I love it.

After that, I decided the trilogy should be my next read since I only have 1 more chapter in The Bell Jar.
I have never read The Lord of The Rings... I probably would have in middle school, but I kept leaving The Hobbit lying around the school until I finally lost it. So I never finished it or started LOTR.

Man, to anyone who isn't into Lord of The Rings, I seem like a looser right now.
But I don't really care, because I just don't understand who anyone couldn't love it... really I don't.

While watching the special features I believe I found my favorite artist. Alan Lee. He draws faeries and did all the drawing for the LOTR books. They are really great.

Damn. I'm going to stop now and go watch that 70's show.

i hope I dream about hobbits and elves tonight.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

You know what?
I like Kanye West.
yea. There are few rappers I like, and Kanye is one of them.
He might be a total douche bag and a little bit crazy, but he is a genius.
I would be crazy too if my mom died and my fiance broke up with me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Spring break is next week.
I'll probably have a Bonn fire. A huge Bonn fire.
We still have two big piles of brush and dad said we will probably burn them both in one night.
The only thing bad about that is no more Bonn fires.

This weekend is the last aways trip for show choir. Which is wonderful because then I'll have my weekends back!

There aren't a lot of people at school today. I'm glad no ones here. I don't think I could take another day of seeing certain people.

Mom and I went Monday to find fabric for my prom dress. Well we found all the fabric and the perfect pattern. It's amazing. Everything came up to $78, which is really good. The guy that checked us out kept ringing up 40% off coupons so that's probably the reason my prom dress is only $78.
Me and mom were really afraid we wouldn't know the first thing to look for so we got the nicest older lady to help. She was so sweet. She kept insisting that I must get a smaller pattern size...that was nice. lol.

I'm suddenly excited for prom.