We will live through much.

"Rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor- such is my idea of happiness."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Today is the day of the earth.

I plan on planting an apple tree this evening, if dad gets me one.
But there's a chance I wont get to because he kept saying how he doesn't know where we could plant one.

Prom was Saturday. very boring, but alright. I enjoyed getting dressed up. I did not enjoy, though, the huge blister my shoes gave me. I had to walk on the side of my foot all night.

I didn't make it into the Honors Society... as for as I know. So I'm not going to go to the induction, rather, I'll be staying home.... hopefully.

I've been reading Harry Potter instead of Lord Of The Rings. I'm nearly to the end of the 3rd book. I am trying to finish through the 6th by July, when it comes out in theaters.

While on Flickr yesterday I found this girl who took pictures of her breakfasts and lunches. It was all so healthy. Needless to say, I'm am now on a health kick. Starting today I'm eating fruits and oatmeal for breakfast, and probably my usual for the lunch.. which I'm starting to think isn't really healthy eventhough it's only about 200 calories all together. Tonight I'm having fish for dinner, I can't wait. I love it when we have fish for dinner.

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