We will live through much.

"Rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor- such is my idea of happiness."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Living is easy with eyes closed

Man, school work sucks. Research papers wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have all this stuff to go with it. 40 note cards, an outline, bib cards, and works cited? jeeeeeze. It's gonna be a long couple of weeks.

I am going to start writing. I love writing and I am pretty imaginative; even though It takes motivation for me to be original. I once started a story, but it was crap. I have more experiences now, things I can elaborate on and make a good story out of.
On day I will be a famous author.

I laugh when I hear some people "sing" in show choir.

It is nearly pointless for me to log on to Myspace. I know I won't be getting any comments or messages. The only thing I get on for is to deposit my money on mobsters.

I'm going to re-write my outline and look for 40 note cards now.

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