We will live through much.

"Rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor- such is my idea of happiness."

Friday, November 7, 2008


If I would have been born in 1946 then I would have been 17 in 1963.
Oh how I wish that would have been the case. But then I would be 63 now... Right? I think I did the math correctly.
If I could be forever 17, I would. Sure I'd like to vote, but whatever. This is such a perfect age. (not 17 yet...) I guess this sounds perfect to me because I would rather not move out of my home. My parents have given me absolutely no reason to want to. I was telling my mom one day that it seems like most kids my age are yelling at their parents, telling them about how they can't wait to get out and about how much they are ruining their lives. I could never say that. Even if I ever get mad I couldn't say that; it would be such a lie. So then I told her that maybe she should start making my life hell, like not let me go out with friends every once in a while for no good reason or maybe ground me from the computer when she thinks I'm spending too much time on it. Of course I was joking, I like saying my mom is my best friend. So, I may never be ready to leave; I think my parents like it best that way.
18 is coming too soon for me, I suppose.
I was watching the history channel last week about the Mayans and their calendar. It freaked me out. I will come home on Dec. 21 2012. Classes or no classes I'll come home.
I wonder if chocolate helps you live longer... I love chocolate, and I love living.

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